Die Aussagen Edward Snowdens über die NSA-Spionage, die uns alle betrifft, ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Tausende unschuldiger Menschen - darunter Kinder - in den USA und anderen westlichen Ländern werden von Geheimdiensten und Militär mit High-Tech-Methoden und den nicht mehr zu leugnenden elektronischen Waffen attackiert und (körperlich oder geistig) ermordet. Wir alle müssen dafür sorgen, diese Verbrecher hinter Gitter zu bringen! Bitte senden Sie diese Website an Ihre Familie und Freunde. Vielen Dank, Peter |
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Electronic torture/electronic weapons: people burners and people cookers (speed cookers)
Published: December 25, 2007, updated: October 20, 2012 Updated December 25, 2007 Beginning of 2007 US Defense showed a number of so-called non-lethal electronic weapons to the public (see also ADS, Active Denial System). Media refer to these weapons as people zappers. Electronic weapons are used by secret services to eliminate (torture and murder) people mostly in NATO countries. I called these weapons and the people applying them people burners (http://www.peopleburner.com, or mensenbranders in Dutch http://www.mensenbrander.nl), but must make an addition. These weapons are also used to cook the targets (this happens when you aim high power microwaves at a person, again compare microwave oven). By aiming high power microwaves at a stomach of a person you can make a person burp, by aiming at the lungs you can make a person burp (in another way), by aiming at the intestines you can make a person fart, etc. Think what happens if power is increased (and yes this is done!). In all cases the microwaves are used to heat the fluids in the human body so you can say the person is being cooked! You can also call these weapons and the people applying them people cookers (http://www.peoplecooker.com, or mensenkokers in Dutch http://www.mensenkoker.nl). Most of the time the people cookers use high energy bursts to cause burping or farting in a second. This is just another way of reacting to what the target is doing or his environment (e.g. a car is passing by, or something known is on television, etc.). This is not science-fiction, these weapons are used today (and the sick & disturbed people using them exist)! Details: 1. Slow cooking your stomach What is it Electronic (microwave) weapons are used to heat the body from the inside, like stomach and intestines. When it is applied The people cookers can do do this at several moments of the day but as they are torturers they can also heat your stomach every night around 4-5 am so you will wake up from extreme activity inside your stomach, bubbling, a lot noise. 2. Speed cooking your stomach/lungs/intestines Some background One of the things victims of gang stalking/electronic harassment are subject to is excessive reaction to everything they do and everything that happens in their surroundings. E.g. when a victim walks into his living room, a car or pedestrian passes by, always, everytime. The moment he sits down behind his computer, a popup from the emailclient appears on the screen signalling a new email, always, everytime. When a victim is on the toilet, a car arrives and stops nearby. The moment the victim leaves the toilet, the car drives away, making it impossible to see the car. What is it The idea behind speed cooking your body is to let the victim's body react to what is happening in his surroundings. The torturers heat the fluids in part of the body in a very fast way. The fluids evaporate and the produced gas/air tries to find a way out of the body. For the stomach and upper part of the body, the nearest exit is the mouth, for the intestines the nearest exit is the anus. The heating of the body is done by applying extremely powerfull microwave bursts to the part of the body they want to react. If applied with sufficient power it will take 1-3 seconds before you start to burb, or fart. When applied with these intensities on the chest or back, the victim experiences the following sensation. First there is a strange weakening feeling. Then he starts to burb one to four times, then there follows a souring sensation, and then a burning sensation is experienced where the body was hit. If applied with enough power there will be a burning sensation also on the other side of the body, i.e. where the microwave burst let the body. On the lower parts of the body the burning and souring sensation are minimal, if they can be felt at all. Most of the time there will be a burning sensation because of the fact that the tortures want your body to react in 1-3 seconds, hence high power burst are used. When it is applied It is applied to have the body of the victim react to things in his surroundings. For example, when the victim is sitting in his living room, then every time a car or pedestrian, passes, he is made to burb or fart. Or, everytime the victim enters his living room, or his toilet. Or everytime the victim opens a web page on his computer, or everytime an email arrives or the phone rings. The torturers also create their own sounds or noise and synchronize this with speed cooking the victim. This speed cooking of your body is not applied once a day but sometimes every five minutes (also imagine the effects on the human body of this horrible torture). Outside as well This equipment is portable and can be applied from cars. So the torturers also hit their victims outside with these extreme microwave bursts. In general, there at least 2-3 cars in a row so the victim cannot tell from which car the bursts were fired. They fire at the victim when he is driving his car on the highway, or when the victim is jogging outside. When jogging for an hour there can be 10 hits or more. This means that there are a lot of these weapons already in use (it is not just one weapon, that is constantly moved). The bursts outside are often more intense than those applied inside the victims home, the torturers want to make sure they hit the victim. Please help to stop these horrible violations of human rights, spread the message or donate:
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Covert Harassment Conference 2014
![]() ![]() COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
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Electromagnetic Weapons Info
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Mark Rich
Mark Rich, ein Opfer dieser Verbrechen schrieb 2 Bände mit einer Fülle von Informationen für die Opfer des Gang Stalkings und des elektronischen Folterns und für alle, die mehr über (politische und / oder Personen) Kontrollsystemen wissen wollen:
Wie viele Opfer braucht Mark unsere Unterstüzung und Spenden: Überprüfen seines aktuellen Zustands, spenden, kaufen Sie sein Buch: The Hidden Evil, kaufen Sie sein Buch: New World War |
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Airforce involved in stalking and cruel electronic torture of innocent people
![]() It is very important to understand that many attacks are from the sky, i.e. from military aircraft, including helicopters, gliders, etc. Often they are not only aimed at you but also at some people surrounding you. But of course they can also attack you with installed equipment from neighbor houses or appartments. And they also have portable equipment, to look through walls and to burn and cook you, and mind control you. When you go to a hotel they just check in somewhere near and attack you from that location. [March 18, 2011] (Reported by Peter Mooring) I am a victim since 2000 of gang stalking/organized stalking and electronic harrasment/(cruel) electronic torture. A number of years ago they also started following and stalking me with military aircraft where ever I go. I am also shot (often cooked alive) with very high power Directed Energy Weapons, e.g. microwave weapons, (also) when these aircraft are around. The visible military aircraft may or may not be involved in shooting me, but function to distract, but the least they do is stalk me which is serious crime. My minimum conclusion is that the person who arranged (gave the initial order) the military aircraft being above me, is a murderer. Full story here See also: http://www.electronictorture.com |
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