Die Aussagen Edward Snowdens über die NSA-Spionage, die uns alle betrifft, ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Tausende unschuldiger Menschen - darunter Kinder - in den USA und anderen westlichen Ländern werden von Geheimdiensten und Militär mit High-Tech-Methoden und den nicht mehr zu leugnenden elektronischen Waffen attackiert und (körperlich oder geistig) ermordet. Wir alle müssen dafür sorgen, diese Verbrecher hinter Gitter zu bringen! Bitte senden Sie diese Website an Ihre Familie und Freunde. Vielen Dank, Peter |
Torture and murder without evidence (2) - educate yourself
Published: June 3, 2007, updated: October 20, 2012 It is very important for everybody (!) to have some knowledge of existence and effects of hitech electro-magnetic weapons (often called DEW) and related privacy violating devices. These weapons and devices:
This is NOT science fiction but the real world. These weapons and devices are simply the result of the weapons race. He who has the best weapons wins. In your kitchen there is a microwave oven. This is almost a, very frightening, weapon. Thousands of people are tortured and murdered using hitech DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons), like microwave weapons, every year. Almost none of them having a clue what is actually happening to them. Targets are not only physically murdered but also commit suicide out of desperation or turn into psychiatric patients. (From link [1] below) 'The apparent intents here are twofold - primarily socio-political control of troublemakers, the silencing of whistleblowers and other conscientious objectors and the continued test development of DEW on civilian nonconsensual human subjects. I am a former defense (US Navy) employee myself, and I strongly suspect personal vendettas and favors are a real factor in our selection for harassment. Solid proof of wrongdoing has been minimal due to the intelligence (spy) methods, the Security Classification of these 'Special Operations' and the very nature of Directed Energy Weapons themselves. These devices are deliberately designed and used - so as not to leave evidence. Each victim has an individual story but also has a noted consistency in the abuse modus operandi and of the terrible health problems that affect all casualties of EMF/DEW irradiation.' A limited list of how these devices are used for torture:
In general, you have not much possibilities to protect yourself. You cannot walk around in a metal/water shield and function as a human being. Most attacks are very effective and it appears to be relatively easy to hit you anywhere anytime. There is a short term effect of pain and damage of body cells. Exposure for a long time to high intensity radiation is very dangerous for your health. Amounts add up, thus total radiation = radiation of day X1 + radiation of day X2, etc. Too much radiation destroys your DNA and gives you tumors and stimulates cancers (you can imagine the health hazard of high energy radiation compared to a mobile phone). Ultrasonic harressment will cause almost immediately tissue damage. Why do governments keep quiet about these high tech weapons and the fact that they are being used at large scale? Most important, a government is not in control of what is happening. Every country has its elite controlling its interests by private security services. The diffence between e.g. Russia and the United States is that in Russia there is a single elite controling everything while in the United States there are multiple powerful elite groups tolerating each other and working together to maintain their positions. These groups organized themselves in a way that can be compared with the maffia, they are everywhere, infiltrated at all levels. If 1 out of 20 persons is part of these groups then they are your neighbours, your co-workers, they may be your friends, etc. Who controls what is published and printed in the newspapers? Who controls your mail, phone and internet. Still think you live in a democracy? In a broader context all this is related to the world order (total control by the mostly western elite) and yes this is a plot against all citizens of the world. Just look what the US and NATO are doing at the moment. These extemely powerful weapons and devices are here to stay and are becoming cheaper and cheaper to manufacture and obtain. You may think that for these weapons the same applies as for conventional weapons, so who cares? Wrong! These new weapons and devices can harm through walls, and cause damage that is almost impossible to distinghuish from normal wounds and disease. That is a big difference compared to conventional weapons. If your neighbour is a part of the big criminal family trying to control our lives then maybe you are zapped a heart attack just because you play piano in the weekends and nobody will know the difference (the problem is caused not only by these high tech weapons but also by the psychopats controlling them). In your local computer store you can buy a mouse that is controlled by your brain, just by thinking of it. Mind control and mind reading devices are at a very advanced stage. When you are in your bed sleeping they can put a device on the other side of the wall playing some kind of movie. When you wake up you think you dreamt this. Scanning your brain is also possible at relative great distances. Scans are compared and linked to known 'thoughts'. The mind reading equipment can 'predict' your thoughts 0.45 seconds before e.g. you speak the words. Scary enough? So how can you tell the difference? How do you distinghuish between a normal headache and a headache caused by these new weapons? Do you still rely on the expertise of your doctor? Maybe he is involved? The answer to these questions is education: Educate yourself by reading about this subject. P.S. Yes, there is more and it is about weather control systems, another result of the weapons race, he who controls the weather wins. Start your search with: HAARP. Read more (if links do not work, try again later. Some of these sites are too close to the truth ...):
About weapons:
Dutch government investigation on non-lethal weapons and DEWs: In Dutch: |
Covert Harassment Conference 2014
COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
Electromagnetic Weapons Info
Mark Rich
Mark Rich, ein Opfer dieser Verbrechen schrieb 2 Bände mit einer Fülle von Informationen für die Opfer des Gang Stalkings und des elektronischen Folterns und für alle, die mehr über (politische und / oder Personen) Kontrollsystemen wissen wollen:
Wie viele Opfer braucht Mark unsere Unterstüzung und Spenden: Überprüfen seines aktuellen Zustands, spenden, kaufen Sie sein Buch: The Hidden Evil, kaufen Sie sein Buch: New World War |
Airforce involved in stalking and cruel electronic torture of innocent people
It is very important to understand that many attacks are from the sky, i.e. from military aircraft, including helicopters, gliders, etc. Often they are not only aimed at you but also at some people surrounding you. But of course they can also attack you with installed equipment from neighbor houses or appartments. And they also have portable equipment, to look through walls and to burn and cook you, and mind control you. When you go to a hotel they just check in somewhere near and attack you from that location. [March 18, 2011] (Reported by Peter Mooring) I am a victim since 2000 of gang stalking/organized stalking and electronic harrasment/(cruel) electronic torture. A number of years ago they also started following and stalking me with military aircraft where ever I go. I am also shot (often cooked alive) with very high power Directed Energy Weapons, e.g. microwave weapons, (also) when these aircraft are around. The visible military aircraft may or may not be involved in shooting me, but function to distract, but the least they do is stalk me which is serious crime. My minimum conclusion is that the person who arranged (gave the initial order) the military aircraft being above me, is a murderer. Full story here See also: http://www.electronictorture.com |