Die Aussagen Edward Snowdens über die NSA-Spionage, die uns alle betrifft, ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Tausende unschuldiger Menschen - darunter Kinder - in den USA und anderen westlichen Ländern werden von Geheimdiensten und Militär mit High-Tech-Methoden und den nicht mehr zu leugnenden elektronischen Waffen attackiert und (körperlich oder geistig) ermordet. Wir alle müssen dafür sorgen, diese Verbrecher hinter Gitter zu bringen! Bitte senden Sie diese Website an Ihre Familie und Freunde. Vielen Dank, Peter |
Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(10) - unplug media to prevent the truth to be revealed
Published: June 28, 2007, updated: October 20, 2012 National secret services want to control everything and have people at many positions including journalists. A director of the CIA once said that it was very easy to get cooperation from many journalists, an extra fifty to hunderd dollars a month would do the job in most cases. And if you do a good job, you may be promoted and become part of the wonderful criminal world of secret services. An example is a journalist of Dutch local newspaper NRC Handelsblad who became a spokesman of the AIVD, the Dutch secret service. If a journalist (or in fact any person) reveals the truth about the practices of the a secret service, they simply eliminate him, they don't care if other people die as well. Nobody will believe you crash a plane with hundred people just to kill one person. Who would believe that somebody would go that far to prevent the truth to be revealed. 'On Saturday, May 5, Anthony Mitchell died *in the crash of Kenyan Airways Flight 507, which killed all 114 people on board. Based in Nairobi, he was an Associated Press reporter who had recently broken a story on secret prisons in Ethiopia and the U.S. involvement in the detention and interrogation of prisoners there. The world has lost another journalist, one who was taking the necessary risks to get at the heart of the complex and often ignored story of Africa.' Full story: A Shining Light Goes Out in Africa: CIA Hit? 911 happened and letters with anthrax started arriving. Several people died, now it was the CIA who were the ones to open all important letters! A Britisch documentary researched the origin of the antrax and with 99% certainty it came from CIA funded laboratories. Who would believe that somebody would go that far to prevent the truth to be revealed. In the Netherlands local Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant was preparing an article about torture methods used by Dutch (military) intelligence. Around that time a heavy grenade was fired at the Volkskrant building. Who would believe that somebody would go that far to prevent the truth to be revealed. When the truth starts traveling around and cannot be stopped annymore, the psychopats simply use simple but effective methods to block news agencies, hoping that the effects will be minimal. Example: when media attention started growing for the website because a popular weblog/newslog payed attention to the phenomenon gang stalking, website www.groepstalking.nl they simply cut a power cable to the national and commercial broadcasting studios. Who would believe that somebody would go that far to prevent the truth to be revealed.
Covert Harassment Conference 2014
COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
Electromagnetic Weapons Info
Mark Rich
Mark Rich, ein Opfer dieser Verbrechen schrieb 2 Bände mit einer Fülle von Informationen für die Opfer des Gang Stalkings und des elektronischen Folterns und für alle, die mehr über (politische und / oder Personen) Kontrollsystemen wissen wollen:
Wie viele Opfer braucht Mark unsere Unterstüzung und Spenden: Überprüfen seines aktuellen Zustands, spenden, kaufen Sie sein Buch: The Hidden Evil, kaufen Sie sein Buch: New World War |
Airforce involved in stalking and cruel electronic torture of innocent people
It is very important to understand that many attacks are from the sky, i.e. from military aircraft, including helicopters, gliders, etc. Often they are not only aimed at you but also at some people surrounding you. But of course they can also attack you with installed equipment from neighbor houses or appartments. And they also have portable equipment, to look through walls and to burn and cook you, and mind control you. When you go to a hotel they just check in somewhere near and attack you from that location. [March 18, 2011] (Reported by Peter Mooring) I am a victim since 2000 of gang stalking/organized stalking and electronic harrasment/(cruel) electronic torture. A number of years ago they also started following and stalking me with military aircraft where ever I go. I am also shot (often cooked alive) with very high power Directed Energy Weapons, e.g. microwave weapons, (also) when these aircraft are around. The visible military aircraft may or may not be involved in shooting me, but function to distract, but the least they do is stalk me which is serious crime. My minimum conclusion is that the person who arranged (gave the initial order) the military aircraft being above me, is a murderer. Full story here See also: http://www.electronictorture.com |