Die Aussagen Edward Snowdens über die NSA-Spionage, die uns alle betrifft, ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Tausende unschuldiger Menschen - darunter Kinder - in den USA und anderen westlichen Ländern werden von Geheimdiensten und Militär mit High-Tech-Methoden und den nicht mehr zu leugnenden elektronischen Waffen attackiert und (körperlich oder geistig) ermordet. Wir alle müssen dafür sorgen, diese Verbrecher hinter Gitter zu bringen! Bitte senden Sie diese Website an Ihre Familie und Freunde. Vielen Dank, Peter |
Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(9) - use of electronic weapons (including mind invasive technology) to suggest psychiatric problems, schizophrenia
Published: May 29, 2007, updated: October 20, 2012 Even a secret service has its limits. They cannot eliminate every target by murdering him or her with a bullit, knife or overdose. But hey, mental murder is often better giving a group of people that can be experimented upon with new medicine, drugs, etc. To drive a target insane extremely advanced technology is used. One is the monitoring equipment. Nowadays, they look through walls and can see everything you do in detail. They also use very advanced computer manipulation technology to change the behaviour of your PC, e.g. it picks up new mail from your ISP only at certain moments. Another method is mind control. By playing a movie on a device close to you, e.g. the other side of the wall, you will think you have dreamt about this. And finally there is mind reading. They will put a scanner on your head and record / compare your behaviour.These advanced technologies are not only used to follow a target or record behaviour of the target. In addition they are used to react to target in one way or another. The target is second by second remembered by e.g. a sound at the neighbours, outside, mail arriving at certain moments, cars honking at certain moments etc. that he is never alone. People not knowing about this advanced technology (most people do not know) will be driven insane. Advanced technology is used to let you hear strange things, your dreams are controled, apparatus makes strange sounds when you look at it, when you go outside to buy something specific it is sold out everytime, when you go outside people look at you and smile where you go, the car driving before you is exactly going where you go, etc. A decade ago many of these intrusions were possible as well but with all this new advanced, compact, technology, it is becoming very easy to drive persons into psychiatric behaviour.(I am looking for people writing about this subject, or persoanl stories, and wanting this published on this site) More information:
Covert Harassment Conference 2014
COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
Electromagnetic Weapons Info
Mark Rich
Mark Rich, ein Opfer dieser Verbrechen schrieb 2 Bände mit einer Fülle von Informationen für die Opfer des Gang Stalkings und des elektronischen Folterns und für alle, die mehr über (politische und / oder Personen) Kontrollsystemen wissen wollen:
Wie viele Opfer braucht Mark unsere Unterstüzung und Spenden: Überprüfen seines aktuellen Zustands, spenden, kaufen Sie sein Buch: The Hidden Evil, kaufen Sie sein Buch: New World War |
Airforce involved in stalking and cruel electronic torture of innocent people
It is very important to understand that many attacks are from the sky, i.e. from military aircraft, including helicopters, gliders, etc. Often they are not only aimed at you but also at some people surrounding you. But of course they can also attack you with installed equipment from neighbor houses or appartments. And they also have portable equipment, to look through walls and to burn and cook you, and mind control you. When you go to a hotel they just check in somewhere near and attack you from that location. [March 18, 2011] (Reported by Peter Mooring) I am a victim since 2000 of gang stalking/organized stalking and electronic harrasment/(cruel) electronic torture. A number of years ago they also started following and stalking me with military aircraft where ever I go. I am also shot (often cooked alive) with very high power Directed Energy Weapons, e.g. microwave weapons, (also) when these aircraft are around. The visible military aircraft may or may not be involved in shooting me, but function to distract, but the least they do is stalk me which is serious crime. My minimum conclusion is that the person who arranged (gave the initial order) the military aircraft being above me, is a murderer. Full story here See also: http://www.electronictorture.com |